Stranice Respekta, ispisane u godini koja traje još par sati, na kojima su najljepše priče, one pisane srcem i dušom, završavamo pričom o jednoj dobroj, čistoj, neiskvarenoj duši.
Već godinama, velika podrška Respektu je čovjek, čiji trud, zalaganje, posvećenost, patriotizam i ljubav prema djeci i mladima je nešto što ne možete izmjeriti, i za šta ne postoji mjerna jedinica.
Zajedno sa suprugom, počastio nas je svojim dolaskom na posljednje aktivnosti RESPEKTA u godini na izmaku, podjelu paketića najmlađim članovima, druženje seniorskih ekipa i jutrošnji trening.
Osjećamo neizmjernu zahvalnost prema čovjeku koji je glavni “krivac” za lijepu opremu, zahvaljujući kojoj uniformisanošću brišemo razlike. Oprema Odense kluba iz Danske kao podrška našoj jedinstvenoj misiji stiže nam, zahvaljujući ovom čovjeku, o čijoj dobroti svijet treba da čuje.
The pages of Respekt, written in a year that lasts a few more hours, on which there are the most beautiful stories, those written with heart and soul, we end with the story of a good, pure, soul. For years, a great supporter of Respekt has been a man, whose effort, commitment, dedication, patriotism and love for children and young people is something you cannot measure, and for which there is no unit of measure. Together with his wife, he honored us with his arrival at the last activities of RESPEKT in the this year, the distribution of packages to the youngest members, the socializing of the senior teams and the morning training.
We feel immense gratitude towards the man who is the main “culprit” for beautiful equipment, thanks to which uniformity we erase differences. The Odense club equipment from Denmark in support of our unique mission arrives to us, thanks to this man, whose kindness the world needs to hear about.
Dear friends of Respekt, it is our honor and pleasure to tell and ‘close’ the cover of the book “RESPEKT 2022.” named Edo Hasanbegović!